Tia's Story


At a very young age,

my door to sexuality was opened.

Between being touched out of curiosity, forced into sexual acts, and giving myself sexually to boyfriends, my view on sexual purity was non-existent.

The message Pastor Jim carries expanded my view of sexual purity and also revealed to me the pain, brokenness, and shame I was carrying — not only from sexual promiscuity, but also from deep father wounds I have been carrying my whole life.

During my time with Pastor Jim, I was able to break free of the shame of being raped, was able to start the healing process of all the “what if’s” of taking PlanB pills, and, more importantly, I was able to grasp my identity in sexual purity.

This ministry is more than just another

“sex talk.”

This ministry is for those with sexual experiences, deep rooted father wound, and miraculous healing through our Savior. The Sexuality Unmasked conference is worth attending, worth the experience, and worth talking about.

Thank you Pastor Jim for carrying the Father's heart. I have been tremendously blessed by you and your ministry.

Sexuality Unmasked